
Who we are?

Sana Entertainment, is a Danish production company, that produces movies, music and games.

Sana Entertainment, was founded in November 2020 by Christian H. Collart, under the name CCProduction. CCProduction changed name in November 2021 to Sana Entertainment, because Christian wanted to gather his projects under one company.

Christian had the vision when he founded the company, that he wanted to help young and new filmmakers with making their dream projects to reality, and help them wth everything from financing to counselling on their projects.

Sana Entertainment, focus on perfect produced projects in all genres, from film, theatre, music and games. We focus on young and new filmmakers to help them forward with theirs careers and a good collaboration in the future.

At Sana Entertainment we support our filmmakers 24/7 with counselling.

Our Qualities

  • Focusing on newcomers

  • Filmmakers freedom
    • 24/7 support

    • No budget requirement

    • International funding

    Our Mission

    Our mission at Sana Entertainment is to help young and new filmmakers get out into the world, with their projects.

    We have the vision to change the film industry and open up to more new filmmakers, and thousands of more projects and films.

    Therefore, we also focus at Sana Entertainment, to reach out and find filmmakers as soon as they are in education, to help them on their way through the education, and to build a satisfied and strong collaboration so we together can produce films and other projects in many years.

    We are still in the start-up phase, and therefore still focusing in 2021, only on small and low-budget projects, but in the future we will collaborate with our filmmakers and new filmmakers to produce larger projects.

    Our Future

    Our future at Sana Entertainment is to produce more and larger projects within film, music and theater.

    We believe in a great and bright future for us, as we, in collaboration with our filmmakers, build a strong and satisfied collaboration.

    We will, as far as possible, continue our collaboration with the filmmakers we already have, to help them further on their path and to follow them to larger projects we can help them get started on.

    We see in the near future that we will produce and invest in our first feature film, which will be the first of many. In the music and theater industry, we will of course keep up.

    - Sana Entertainment

    "Entertainment, Innovation and Celebration."



    Sana Entertainment

    Ă˜stre Havnegade 36E, 7, tv

    9000, Aalborg, Denmark